Recently, some of the notable HoyleCohen team awards include:
Join us in congratulating several HC Advisors for ranking among the Best In State Advisors by FORBES.
We are thrilled to announce the inclusion of HC Partners & Sr. Wealth Advisors, Elisabeth Cullington & Rachel Luken, in the FORBES 2024 Top Women & Best in State Advisors
HoyleCohen has been named to the Top RIA’s in the US by Financial Advisor Magazine.
HoyleCohen’s Rachel Jackson, PMQ, has been recognized as a 2023 Top 40 Leaders Under 40 as announced by The San Diego Business Journal.
HoyleCohen has been named to the Top RIA’s in the US by Financial Advisor Magazine.
Join us in congratulating, HC Partner and CEO, Stephen Taddie, for ranking among the Best In State Advisors by FORBES.
We are thrilled to announce the inclusion of HC Partner and Co-Founder Elisabeth Cullington, in the FORBES 2023 Top Women & Best in State Advisors
HoyleCohen has ranked among the Best Places to Work in San Diego by The San Diego Business Journal.
HoyleCohen has been named among the Top 40 Wealth Management Firms in San Diego by the San Diego Business Journal.
HoyleCohen is pleased to be ranked #9 in San Diego Business Journal’s Top 40 Wealth Management Firms for 2022.
HoyleCohen is excited to announce our ranking among the top 100 firms nationwide on the prestigious Forbes Shook Americas Top RIA Firms list for 2022.
HoyleCohen has been recognized as a 2022 Best Places to Work for Financial Advisers as announced by InvestmentNews.
HoyleCohen has been named to the Top RIA’s in the US by Financial Advisor Magazine.
HoyleCohen is thrilled to congratulate, Elisabeth Cullington, CFP® and Stephen Taddie, CBE®, CFM for their inclusion in the 2022 Forbes Best-In-State Wealth Advisors list.
HoyleCohens Vanessa Wieliczko, Chief of Investments has been named Rising Star by RIA Intel
HoyleCohen Ranked #11 of San Diego’s top 41 Wealth Management Firms by the San Diego Business Journal’s
Vanessa Wieliczko, Director of Investments, selected by the San Diego Business Journal’s – Top 40 Under 40 Business Leaders of 2020.

Learn more about what we think makes HoyleCohen special.
Everyone talks about trust, we prefer to listen.
San Diego (858) 576-7300 / Santa Monica (310) 586-1828 / Sacramento (916) 588-2960
Disclosure provided by Barron’s: The ranking above reflects the volume of assets overseen by the advisors and their teams, revenues generated for the firms and the quality of the advisors’ practices. The scoring system assigns a top score of 100 and rates the rest by comparing them with the winner.
Additional Disclosures: Barron’s requested HoyleCohen apply for this ranking. The information for the ranking was compiled by HoyleCohen, and may or may not be verified by Barron’s. It is unknown as to the number of applicants considered for the ranking and the percentage of applicants that made the ranking. The award should not be viewed as representative of any one client’s experience and should not be taken as an indication of performance by HoyleCohen and any of its clients. Neither HoyleCohen nor any of its employees were required to be a member of an organization to be eligible to receive this award. HoyleCohen did not pay a fee to apply for this award. However, the firm does purchase goods or services from the publisher of the award, such as subscriptions to the publication.
The awards listed are based on information submitted by HoyleCohen prior to its merger into The Colony Group on September 1, 2024.
Disclosures provided by The Financial Times: This fifth edition of the FT 300 assesses registered investment advisers (RIAs) on traits desirable to clients. To ensure a list of established companies with substantial expertise, the FT examines the database of RIAs registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commission and select those that reported $300m or more in assets under management (AUM). The Financial Times’ methodology is quantifiable and objective. The RIAs have no subjective input. The FT invites qualifying RIA companies — more than 2,000 — to complete a lengthy application that gives the publication more information about them. They add this to their own research into their practices, including data from regulatory filings. Some 760 RIA companies applied and 300 made the final list. The formula the FT uses to grade advisers is based on six broad factors and calculates a numeric score for each company. Areas of consideration include adviser AUM, asset growth, the company’s age, industry certifications of key employees, SEC compliance record and online accessibility. The reasons for these criteria are as follows: AUM signals experience managing money and client trust; AUM growth rate can be a proxy for performance, as well as for asset retention and the ability to generate new business. We assessed companies on one- and two-year growth rates; Companies’ years in existence indicates reliability and experience of managing assets through different market environments; Compliance record provides evidence of past client disputes — a string of complaints can signal potential problems, for example; Industry certifications (CFA, CFP®, etc.) show the company’s staff has industry knowledge and signals a professional commitment to investment skills; Online accessibility demonstrates a desire to provide easy access and transparent contact information. AUM comprised approximately 70 to 75 per cent of each adviser’s score, while asset growth accounted for 15 to 20 per cent. Additionally, the FT caps the number of companies from any one state, based roughly on the distribution of millionaires across the US. The research was conducted for this report by Ignites Research, an FT sister publication.
Additional Disclosures: The information for the ranking was compiled by HoyleCohen and may or may not be verified by The Financial Times. The award should not be viewed as representative of any one client’s experience and should not be taken as an indication of performance by HoyleCohen and any of its clients. Neither HoyleCohen nor any of its employees were required to be a member of an organization to be eligible to receive this award. HoyleCohen did not pay a fee to apply for this award. However, the firm does purchase goods or services from the publisher of the award, such as subscriptions to the publication.
The awards listed are based on information submitted by HoyleCohen prior to its merger into The Colony Group on September 1, 2024.
Disclosures provided by San Diego Business Journal: Companies voluntarily participated in a two-part survey process to determine the Best Places to Work in San Diego. The first part consisted of evaluating each nominated company’s workplace policies, practices, philosophy, systems, and demographics. The second part consisted of an employee survey to measure the employee experience. The combined scores determined the top companies and the final ranking. Best Companies Group managed the overall registration and survey process in San Diego, analyzed the data, and determined the final rankings.
Additional Disclosures: HoyleCohen applied for this award, and the information for the ranking was compiled by HoyleCohen and may or may not be verified by Best Companies Group. The award should not be viewed as representative of any one client’s experience and should not be taken as an indication of performance by HoyleCohen and any of its clients. Neither HoyleCohen nor any of its employees were required to be a member of an organization to be eligible to receive this award. HoyleCohen did not pay a fee to apply for this award. However, the firm does purchase goods or services from the publisher of the award, such as subscriptions to the publication.
The awards listed are based on information submitted by HoyleCohen prior to its merger into The Colony Group on September 1, 2024.
San Diego Business Journal’s Best Top 40 Under 40 Business Leaders
Additional Disclosures: HoyleCohen applied for this award and the information for the ranking was compiled by HoyleCohen and may or may not be verified by SDBJ. The award should not be viewed as representative of any one client’s experience and should not be taken as an indication of performance by HoyleCohen and any of its clients. Neither HoyleCohen nor any of its employees were required to be a member of an organization to be eligible to receive this award. HoyleCohen did not pay a fee to apply for this award. However, the firm does purchase goods or services from the publisher of the award, such as subscriptions to the publication.
The awards listed are based on information submitted by HoyleCohen prior to its merger into The Colony Group on September 1, 2024.
Additional Disclosures: The information for the ranking was compiled by HoyleCohen and may or may not be verified by the San Diego Business Journal. The award should not be viewed as representative of any one client’s experience and should not be taken as an indication of performance by HoyleCohen and any of its clients. Neither HoyleCohen nor any of its employees were required to be a member of an organization to be eligible to receive this award. HoyleCohen did not pay a fee to apply for this award. However, the firm does purchase goods or services from the publisher of the award, such as subscriptions to the publication.
Disclosures provided by Financial Advisors Magazine: Financial Advisor Magazine recognizes HoyleCohen LLC as a 2018 Financial Advisor Magazine “Top 50 Fastest-Growing Firms with More than $1.7 Billion in AUM” and in its “Top 2018 RIA Ranking.” These ranking were based upon an independent analysis of multiple criteria of the Firm. This annual ranking is based on the percentage of growth in assets under management from the previous year.
Additional Disclosures: The information for the ranking was compiled by HoyleCohen and may or may not be verified by Financial Advisor Magazine. The award should not be viewed as representative of any one client’s experience and should not be taken as an indication of performance by HoyleCohen and any of its clients. Neither HoyleCohen nor any of its employees were required to be a member of an organization to be eligible to receive this award. HoyleCohen did not pay a fee to apply for this award. However, the firm does purchase goods or services from the publisher of the award, such as subscriptions to the publication.
Financial Advisor Magazine Top RIA’s in the US
Additional Disclosures: The information for the ranking was compiled by HoyleCohen and may or may not be verified by Financial Advisor Magazine. The award should not be viewed as representative of any one client’s experience and should not be taken as an indication of performance by HoyleCohen and any of its clients. Neither HoyleCohen nor any of its employees were required to be a member of an organization to be eligible to receive this award. HoyleCohen did not pay a fee to apply for this award. However, the firm does purchase goods or services from the publisher of the award, such as subscriptions to the publication.
Disclosures provided by Advisory HQ: All of the review and ranking articles are always 100% independently researched and written. Firms do not pay for their ranking or the Advisory HQ award emblem. In fact, most firms do not even know that they are being reviewed and ranked by Advisory HQ until after our reviews have been published to the public.
Additional Disclosures: The criteria for consideration of this award includes a subjective assessment of independent financial planners, advisors and asset management firms, advisors who act as fiduciaries, firms that provide customized services, firms that have a high level of transparency, fee-only advisors and wealth managers, fee-based advisors who are also fiduciaries and firms that have a well-established and experienced advisory team. HoyleCohen did not apply for this award, nor did HoyleCohen provide any of the information upon which the award was based. This award should not be viewed as representative of any one client’s experience and should not be taken as an indication of performance by HoyleCohen and any of its clients. Neither HoyleCohen nor any of its employees were required to be a member of an organization to be eligible to receive this award. HoyleCohen did not pay a fee to apply for this award.
Disclosures provided by InvestmentNews: The Investment News 40 Under 40 program recognizes and celebrates up-and-comers in the financial advice industry. Each year, the editorial team reviews more than 1,000 nominations to create a list of 40 outstanding financial advisers, or industry professionals supporting advisers, who are 39 or younger. Honorees are judged on their accomplishments, contribution to the industry, leadership and promise.
Additional Disclosures from Hoylecohen: HoyleCohen applied for this award and the information for the ranking was compiled by HoyleCohen and may or may not be verified by Investment News. The award should not be viewed as representative of any one client’s experience and should not be taken as an indication of performance by HoyleCohen and any of its clients. Neither HoyleCohen nor any of its employees were required to be a member of an organization to be eligible to receive this award. HoyleCohen did not pay a fee to apply for this award. However, the firm does purchase goods or services from the publisher of the award, such as subscriptions to the publication.
Disclosures provided by SHOOK: SHOOK does not receive compensation in exchange for its Top Advisor placements or rankings, which are determined independently (see methodology). Participation in this directory is limited to ranked advisors; once placed on a ranking, advisors may choose to pay fees to Forbes and Shook for premium listing features as indicated by highlighted names. Investors must carefully choose the right advisor for their own situation and perform their own due diligence. SHOOK’s research and rankings provide opinions intended to help investors choose the right financial advisor and are not indicative of future performance or representative of any one client’s experience. Past performance is not an indication of future results. For more information, please see www.SHOOKresearch.com. SHOOK is a registered trademark of SHOOK Research, LLC.’
METHODOLOGY: Each advisor—selected by SHOOK Research—is chosen based on an algorithm of qualitative and quantitative criteria, including: in-person interviews; industry experience; compliance records; revenue produced; and assets under management.For a full copy of the Shook Methodology click here.
Additional Disclosures: The criteria for consideration of this award includes a subjective assessment of independent financial planners, advisors and asset management firms, advisors who act as fiduciaries, firms that provide customized services, firms that have a high level of transparency, fee-only advisors and wealth managers, fee-based advisors who are also fiduciaries and firms that have a well-established and experienced advisory team. This award should not be viewed as representative of any one client’s experience and should not be taken as an indication of performance by HoyleCohen and any of its clients. Neither HoyleCohen nor any of its employees were required to be a member of an organization to be eligible to receive this award. HoyleCohen did not pay a fee to apply for this award.
The awards listed are based on information submitted by HoyleCohen prior to its merger into The Colony Group on September 1, 2024.
2022 Forbes Shook Americas Top RIA Firms list for 2022
Disclosures provided by SHOOK: Data provided by SHOOK ® Research, LLC – Data as of 12/31/21 America’s Top Registered Investment Advisor Firms ranking was developed by SHOOK Research and is based on in-person, virtual and telephone due diligence meetings and a ranking algorithm that includes: a measure of best practices, client retention, industry experience, review of compliance records, firm nominations; and quantitative criteria, including assets under management and revenue generated for their firms. Investment performance is not a criterion because client objectives and risk tolerance vary, and advisors rarely have audited performance reports. Neither SHOOK nor Forbes receive compensation in exchange for its Registered Investment Advisor Firm placements or rankings, which are determined independently (see methodology above). Participation in this directory is limited to ranked firms; once placed on a ranking, firms may choose to pay fees to Forbes and Shook for premium listing features as indicated by highlighted names. SHOOK’s research and rankings provide opinions intended to help investors choose the right financial advisor or firm and not indicative of future performance or representative of any one client’s experience. Investors must carefully choose the right advisor or firm for their own situation and perform their own due diligence. Past performance is not an indication of future results. For more information, please see www.SHOOKresearch.com, SHOOK is a registered trademark of SHOOK Research, LLC.
Additional Disclosures: The criteria for consideration of this award includes a subjective assessment of independent financial planners, advisors and asset management firms, advisors who act as fiduciaries, firms that provide customized services, firms that have a high level of transparency, fee-only advisors and wealth managers, fee-based advisors who are also fiduciaries and firms that have a well-established and experienced advisory team. This award should not be viewed as representative of any one client’s experience and should not be taken as an indication of performance by HoyleCohen and any of its clients. Neither HoyleCohen nor any of its employees were required to be a member of an organization to be eligible to receive this award. HoyleCohen did not pay a fee to apply for this award.
2023 Forbes Shook Americas Top RIA Firms list for 2023
Disclosures provided by SHOOK: Data provided by SHOOK ® Research, LLC – Data as of 12/31/22 America’s Top Registered Investment Advisor Firms ranking was developed by SHOOK Research and is based on in-person, virtual and telephone due diligence meetings and a ranking algorithm that includes: a measure of best practices, client retention, industry experience, review of compliance records, firm nominations; and quantitative criteria, including assets under management and revenue generated for their firms. Investment performance is not a criterion because client objectives and risk tolerance vary, and advisors rarely have audited performance reports. Neither SHOOK nor Forbes receive compensation in exchange for its Registered Investment Advisor Firm placements or rankings, which are determined independently (see methodology above). Participation in this directory is limited to ranked firms; once placed on a ranking, firms may choose to pay fees to Forbes and Shook for premium listing features as indicated by highlighted names. SHOOK’s research and rankings provide opinions intended to help investors choose the right financial advisor or firm and not indicative of future performance or representative of any one client’s experience. Investors must carefully choose the right advisor or firm for their own situation and perform their own due diligence. Past performance is not an indication of future results. For more information, please see www.SHOOKresearch.com, SHOOK is a registered trademark of SHOOK Research, LLC.
Additional Disclosures: The criteria for consideration of this award includes a subjective assessment of independent financial planners, advisors and asset management firms, advisors who act as fiduciaries, firms that provide customized services, firms that have a high level of transparency, fee-only advisors and wealth managers, fee-based advisors who are also fiduciaries and firms that have a well-established and experienced advisory team. This award should not be viewed as representative of any one client’s experience and should not be taken as an indication of performance by HoyleCohen and any of its clients. Neither HoyleCohen nor any of its employees were required to be a member of an organization to be eligible to receive this award. HoyleCohen did not pay a fee to apply for this award.
2022 RIA Intel Rising Star
Disclosures provided by RIA Intel: The criteria for consideration of this award includes a subjective assessment of independent financial planners, advisors and asset management firms, advisors who act as fiduciaries, firms that provide customized services, firms that have a high level of transparency, fee-only advisors and wealth managers, fee-based advisors who are also fiduciaries and firms that have a well-established and experienced advisory team. This award should not be viewed as representative of any one client’s experience and should not be taken as an indication of performance by HoyleCohen and any of its clients. Neither HoyleCohen nor any of its employees were required to be a member of an organization to be eligible to receive this award. HoyleCohen did not pay a fee to apply for this award.
San Diego Business Journal’s Top 40 Wealth Management Firms for 2022
Disclosure: The information for the ranking was compiled by HoyleCohen and may or may not be verified by the San Diego Business Journal. The award should not be viewed as representative of any one client’s experience and should not be taken as an indication of performance by HoyleCohen and any of its clients. Neither HoyleCohen nor any of its employees were required to be a member of an organization to be eligible to receive this award. HoyleCohen did not pay a fee to apply for this award. However, the firm does purchase goods or services from the publisher of the award, such as subscriptions to the publication.
2023 Forbes Best-In-State Wealth Advisors / Top Women Wealth Advisors
Disclosures provided by SHOOK: Data provided by SHOOK® Research, LLC — Data as of 6/30/22. Forbes America’s Top Wealth Advisors and Best-in-State Wealth Advisors ranking was developed by SHOOK Research and is based on in-person, virtual, and telephone due diligence meetings to measure best practices, client retention, industry experience, credentials, review of compliance records, firm nominations; and quantitative criteria, such as: assets under management and revenue generated for their firms. Investment performance is not a criterion because client objectives and risk tolerances vary, and advisors rarely have audited performance reports. SHOOK’s research and rankings provide opinions intended to help investors choose the right financial advisor and are not indicative of future performance or representative of any one client’s experience. Past performance is not an indication of future results. Neither Forbes nor SHOOK Research receive compensation in exchange for placement on the ranking. For more information, please see www.SHOOKresearch.com. SHOOK is a registered trademark of SHOOK Research, LLC.
Additional Disclosures: The criteria for consideration of this award includes a subjective assessment of independent financial planners, advisors and asset management firms, advisors who act as fiduciaries, firms that provide customized services, firms that have a high level of transparency, fee-only advisors and wealth managers, fee-based advisors who are also fiduciaries and firms that have a well-established and experienced advisory team. This award should not be viewed as representative of any one client’s experience and should not be taken as an indication of performance by HoyleCohen and any of its clients. Neither HoyleCohen nor any of its employees were required to be a member of an organization to be eligible to receive this award. HoyleCohen did not pay a fee to apply for this award.
Forbes Best-In-State Wealth Advisors criteria (2024): Based on an algorithm in connection with SHOOK Research of qualitative criteria, mostly gained through telephone and in-person due diligence interviews, and quantitative data, including years of experience, revenue trends, AUM, compliance records, client retention, best practices, and approach to working with clients. The list is released annually in April based on data as of March 31st. No compensation was paid for inclusion on this list.
The awards listed are based on information submitted by HoyleCohen prior to its merger into The Colony Group on September 1, 2024.
2024 Forbes Best-In-State Wealth Advisors / Top Women Wealth Advisors
Disclosures provided by SHOOK: Data provided by SHOOK® Research, LLC — Data as of 6/30/23. Forbes America’s Top Wealth Advisors and Best-in-State Wealth Advisors ranking was developed by SHOOK Research and is based on in-person, virtual, and telephone due diligence meetings to measure best practices, client retention, industry experience, credentials, review of compliance records, firm nominations; and quantitative criteria, such as: assets under management and revenue generated for their firms. Investment performance is not a criterion because client objectives and risk tolerances vary, and advisors rarely have audited performance reports. SHOOK’s research and rankings provide opinions intended to help investors choose the right financial advisor and are not indicative of future performance or representative of any one client’s experience. Past performance is not an indication of future results. Neither Forbes nor SHOOK Research receive compensation in exchange for placement on the ranking. For more information, please see www.SHOOKresearch.com. SHOOK is a registered trademark of SHOOK Research, LLC.
Additional Disclosures: The criteria for consideration of this award includes a subjective assessment of independent financial planners, advisors and asset management firms, advisors who act as fiduciaries, firms that provide customized services, firms that have a high level of transparency, fee-only advisors and wealth managers, fee-based advisors who are also fiduciaries and firms that have a well-established and experienced advisory team. This award should not be viewed as representative of any one client’s experience and should not be taken as an indication of performance by HoyleCohen and any of its clients. Neither HoyleCohen nor any of its employees were required to be a member of an organization to be eligible to receive this award. HoyleCohen did not pay a fee to apply for this award.
The awards listed are based on information submitted by HoyleCohen prior to its merger into The Colony Group on September 1, 2024.
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