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Did you know you can donate securities to your favorite charity and likely save taxes while doing so?*

Did you know that a QCD can satisfy all or part of a donor’s annual RMD, is not taxable income for the donor, and does not qualify for a charitable deduction?*

Did you know that while IRA assets are typically taxed as ordinary income for individual beneficiaries, if however, these assets are left to a charity, the entire amount is available for charitable purposes?*

People give to charities for a myriad of reasons. Our advisory teams have helped thousands of clients give millions of dollars to their favorite causes. Whatever the reason, thoughtful planning around contributions can be an effective tool to help clients maximize their impact and lower their overall tax burden. So, before you write a check to your favorite charity, consider the ideas in this recent paper authored by HC Advisors, Eric Davis, CFP®, and Jeremy Kovacevich, CFP®, and let us know if you have any questions on how you might be able to enhance your charitable planning.

*Depending upon your specific situation, age, tax bracket, etc. Always consult your CPA/tax advisor/attorney (or reach out to us;) to discuss your specific situation. This information is shared for illustrative purposes only and should not be interpreted as legal, tax or financial advice. All investments carry the risk of loss, including the permanent loss of principal. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.


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