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Join Vanessa Wieliczko and Steve Taddie as they recap key factors that led to market performance during the first half of 2024, the current interest rate environment, the similarities and differences between this tech boom and the one in the 90s, the yield curve, and other market and economic factors to consider in the coming months.

Disclaimer: This video is for information purposes only and should not be interpreted as legal, tax, or financial advice. Always consult your CPA/tax advisor/attorney (or reach out to us) to discuss your specific situation. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.



The information provided here is general in nature and is shared for information purposes only; nothing herein should be interpreted as investment or tax advice. Any and all tax laws and/or specific tax rates referenced are subject to change. It should not be assumed that future performance of any specific investment or investment strategy will be profitable. Always consult your CPA/tax advisor/attorney (or reach out to us) to discuss your specific situation. All investments carry the risk of loss, including the permanent loss of principal. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.




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