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On December 31, 1999, Amazon stock closed at $3.81 (split-adjusted). By September 28, 2001, it had fallen to $0.30, a drop of over 90%.

$100K invested in AMZN on 12/31/99 would have been worth less than $8,000 just 21 months later.

Today, that $8,000 would be worth over $2.8M. A gain of 28X the original $100K investment in just over 21 years.

The early 2000’s tech crash tested many investors. As did 2008, 2020 and the first half of this year. Some, understandably so, gave into their emotions. We all do at times.

Investing is this: a game of patience and perspective, tested time and again by emotion. Won by discipline.

Disclaimer: For information purposes only and should not be interpreted as legal, tax or financial advice. Always consult your CPA/tax advisor/attorney (or reach out to us;) to discuss your specific situation. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.


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